Thursday, February 28, 2008

Leadership Giving

What is "Leadership Giving?"

Leadership Giving through United Way is the strategy to use when soliciting donations from top management or executives. These gifts to our community can be given individually by your employees, or split gifts through your employee and their spouse's workplace.

Leadership Giving is critical to United Way's ability to effect positive results in our community and your United Way account manager can provide you with information on conducting a leadership campaign within your company.

Some quick facts about leadership giving:

  • Leadership Giving begins at the $500 and ranges to the Alexis deTocqueville Society level of $10,000 or more.

  • Leadership Givers are published in the annual Leadership Giving booklet (all requests for anonymity are honored).

  • Leadership Giving receptions are often attended by your company's executive staff, your United Way account manager, and even United Way's president, Susan Gilmore, or the current campaign's chairman.

  • Leadership Giving can multiply your company's campaign results substantially and provide much-needed programs to the Lehigh Valley. Remember, in 2007, program funding requests totaled over $10 million dollars and United Way only had $5 million to distribute!

If you are interested in boosting your company's campaign results through a new or reinvigorated Leadership Giving campaign, please contact your account manager:

Dave Jacoby, Vice President of Resource Development 610-807-5709

Beth Blasco, Account Manager 610-807-5731

Sarah Blum, Account Manager 610-807-5704

United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley
2200 Avenue A - 3rd Fl., Bethlehem, PA 18017-2189
Ph (610) 758-8010 Fax (610) 867-7255